Seed to harvest

Growing from seed to harvest basics

Growing cannabis from seed to harvest can be a rewarding and exciting process. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or a beginner, there are certain steps you can take to ensure a successful harvest. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to grow cannabis from start to finish.

Step 1: Seed Germination

The first step in growing cannabis is to germinate your seeds. There are several ways to do this, but one of the easiest and most popular methods is to use the paper towel method. To do this, you’ll need a few things: a plate, a paper towel, and your cannabis seeds.

Begin by placing your cannabis seeds on the plate, and then wet the paper towel. Next, place the wet paper towel over the seeds, and cover the plate with another plate to keep the moisture in. Keep the plates in a warm, dark place, and check on them every day to make sure the paper towel is still moist. In about 2-5 days, you should see the seeds start to sprout.

Step 2: Seedling Stage

Once your seeds have sprouted, it’s time to move them to a growing medium. You can use soil, coco coir, or hydroponics, depending on your preferences. When planting the seedlings, be sure to plant them at the same depth they were in the paper towel.

At this stage, it’s important to provide your seedlings with the right amount of light and nutrients. You can use a grow light or place your plants near a sunny window. Be sure to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged.

Step 3: Vegetative Stage

The vegetative stage is when your plants will start to grow rapidly. This stage can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the strain you’re growing. During this stage, it’s important to give your plants plenty of light and nutrients.

For optimal growth, your plants will need at least 18 hours of light per day. You can use a timer to ensure they’re getting the right amount of light. You’ll also want to make sure your plants are getting the right nutrients. You can use a fertilizer that is specifically designed for growing cannabis during the vegetative stage.

Step 4: Flowering Stage

The flowering stage is when your plants will start to produce buds. This stage typically lasts around 8-12 weeks, depending on the strain. During this stage, it’s important to provide your plants with plenty of light, but you’ll also need to make sure they’re getting enough darkness.

To encourage bud growth, you’ll want to switch to a 12/12 light cycle. This means you’ll give your plants 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness each day. You’ll also want to make sure your plants are getting the right nutrients. During this stage, you’ll want to switch to a fertilizer that’s higher in phosphorus and potassium.

Step 5: Harvest

Once your plants have finished flowering, it’s time to harvest your buds. To do this, you’ll need to cut the plant at the base and hang it upside down to dry. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the humidity in your area.

Once your buds are dry, it’s time to trim them and cure them. Trimming involves removing any leaves and stems from the buds, while curing involves storing the buds in an airtight container and letting them sit for a few weeks. This will help to improve the flavor and potency of your buds.

In conclusion, growing cannabis from seed to harvest can be a rewarding and exciting process. By following these steps and providing your plants with the right light, nutrients, and water you will be able to pull off a successful harvest.

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About Me

Hi, I’m Hugo, owner of TheGroBro. I built this company from my passion for growing plants, especially Cannabis. Your plants are very important to us and we will guide you through the process as much as possible.

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